Monday, September 2, 2024

Anwar’s disrespect for former leaders: A troubling disconnect
By Editor

By Ghafar Mohamad

ANWAR Ibrahim’s leadership should be criticized for not understanding or appreciating Malaysia’s history, especially the struggles of those who fought for our nation’s independence. It’s troubling that he seems to ignore the contributions of former leaders during the Merdeka celebration, which shows a disconnect from the legacy of our forefathers who secured our independence and brought prosperity to the country.

It’s upsetting to see Anwar forget the important role that Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin played during one of the nation’s most difficult times. Muhyiddin worked hard to save lives and protect people’s livelihoods during the severe lockdowns caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. His administration made sure there was food on the tables and enough money for people to survive. These actions were crucial in lessening the pandemic’s harsh effects on everyone.

Muhyiddin also created an economic plan to help the country recover, even as millions of people were getting vaccinated. This plan was continued by Prime Minister Ismail Sabri, who made sure the economy took off as planned. It’s disappointing that Anwar seems to ignore these significant efforts.

Anwar’s lack of respect for past leaders like Tun is very concerning. These leaders laid the foundation for Malaysia’s success, securing our freedom and developing our nation’s talents and knowledge. The fact that they weren’t acknowledged during such an important event as the Merdeka celebration is a clear sign that Anwar doesn’t respect those who came before him.

This disrespectful attitude is upsetting, especially when we think about how much these former prime ministers did to guide Malaysia through tough times. By focusing mainly on his own administration, Anwar is neglecting the values of gratitude and historical awareness.

This approach could divide the country even more, making it harder for us to unite around our shared history and achievements, at a time when unity is so important.

*GHAFAR MOHAMADChairman of the Advisory Council of the Malay Professionals Organisation also known as Pertubuhan Profesional Melayu & Pewaris Bangsa (ProWaris)


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